Decision:   Consent to the Making of the Order to create the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority

Decision Date: 3 November 2023

Type of Decision: Chief Operating Officer                    Key




Portfolio Area that decision relates to:

Leader (inc. Corporate Services, Policy, Strategy & Partnerships)


Environment and Climate Emergency


Economy & Transport



Finance, Performance, Major Projects & Equalities


Children, Young People and Education


Children, Young People & Education


Health, Wellbeing and Adults Social Care


Housing, Planning & Safer Communities


Background / Decision Summary:


At its meeting of 23 February 2023, Council considered a report from the Leader relating to the proposed creation of the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.


Council agreed to: i) approve the submission of the Consultation Summary Report to the Government; ii) approve amendments to the Scheme and proposals for the operating model of the Combined Authority for submission to the Government; iii) delegated authority to the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to undertake any action necessary to submit the Consultation Summary Report and Scheme to Government; iv) approved Amendments to the Terms of Reference for the York and North Yorkshire Joint Devolution Committee outlined in the report; and v) delegated authority to the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to undertake any action necessary to provide consent to the Order facilitating the creation of the Combined Authority in line with the scheme submitted to Government, as outlined in the report.  Full details can be found here.


Approvals i) to iv) were actioned in the period immediately following the Council decision.  The Council has now been asked to provide its formal consent to the making of the Order in Parliament, requiring a decision by the Chief Operating Officer under approval v) above.


Additional detail can be found in the accompanying report.


The Chief Operating Officer has considered the request submitted by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, together with the draft Order, and has concluded that it is appropriate to exercise his delegated authority. The Chief Operating Officer has also, through the Monitoring Officer, consulted with the Leader of the Council in relation to the exercise of his delegated authority, and approval to the use of such delegated authority has been given by the Leader.


As a consequence, the Chief Operating Officer has decided to exercise his delegated authority and to consent to the making of the Order.

Options Considered:


The Chief Operating Officer considered whether or not to consent to the making of the Order.  The Chief Operating Officer had an ‘open’ choice between deciding to exercise his delegated authority or not.


Options Rejected:


The Chief Operating Officer rejected the option to not exercise his delegated authority, as this would lead to the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority not being created and the consequent loss of significant additional regional funding and opportunity.


Consultation Process:


As detailed above, the Chief Operating Officer, through the Monitoring Officer, consulted the Leader of the Council, as required by the terms of the delegation.



Crime & Disorder







Human Resources














Climate Change










Human Rights




Implications Contact: Bryn Roberts, Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer

Level of Risk: 


A failure to consent to the making of the Order would result in a substantial loss of opportunity for both York and North Yorkshire Councils.  Conversely, consenting to the making of the Order does not give rise to any material risk to the City of York Council.


Wards Affected:

All Wards






Rural West York




Fulford & Heslington


Hull Road








Huntington & New Earswick






Haxby & Wigginton










Osbaldwick & Derwent



Dringhouses & Woodthorpe


Heworth Without


Rawcliffe & Clifton





The options available present a simple choice for the Chief Operating Officer: to consent to the making of the Order, thereby allowing the creation of the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority; or to not consent to the making of the Order, thereby preventing the creation of the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.  Given the potential investment opportunities which will flow from the creation of the Combined Authority, there is no reason for the Chief Operating Officer to not exercise his delegated authority.




In light of the above, the Chief Operating Officer has decided to exercise his delegated authority to consent to the making of the Order before Parliament.


Decision Made by:  Ian Floyd, Chief Operating Officer


Contact Details:


On behalf of: Council

To be implemented by:  Ian Floyd, Chief Operating Officer

On Completion – Signed off by:


Ian Floyd, Chief Operating Officer


Date: 3 November 2023